Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Hello my children,

Ok, here is one thing I feel like I failed in teaching you - the proper way to fast.

Part of it was that for about 18 years while you were growing up I was either pregnant or nursing so I couldn't fast.

I also didn't believe in forcing you to fast but I wonder if there was another way to encourage it...Hopefully, you will find a better way to teach your children this principle. One way, is to find a common purpose to fast for. I don't think you can ever run out of those.

Most of you were not aware of this but I remember when we lived in Fontana and I would be pregnant or nursing and wish I could fast. At those times I would eat the minimum I could and I would not eat any treats so that I at least had an attitude of fasting.

Today, I can fast and I still struggle with it when it comes to Fast Sunday unless I have a concern I am fasting for. Part of this is changing my Saturday evenings. (I also need to not make salty Saturday dinners which I feel like I alsways do the night before Fast Sunday!)  

A proper fast means going without two meals. That means I should start it Saturday after dinner - with a prayer. But usually I will be eating popcorn or ice cream late that night. Then we come home from church and people start eating and well... The fast should continue until you sit down to dinner.

My counsel to you would be to study the principle of fasting, get a testimony of it and make a proper fast a regular part of your life. I know it will bring strength into your lives and the lives of those you fast for.
There is always someone or something to fast for. Begin and end with a sincere prayer. Pray throughout your fast. Study the scriptures. Ponder. You will be hungry. You may have a headache. Think about the Savior's suffering for you. You can do this  and you will draw closer to Him.

I am sorry if I failed to teach you this important principle. I hope if you haven't you will now learn to do it on your own and make it meaningful in your life.

I love you!


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