Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Hello my children,

Ok, here is one thing I feel like I failed in teaching you - the proper way to fast.

Part of it was that for about 18 years while you were growing up I was either pregnant or nursing so I couldn't fast.

I also didn't believe in forcing you to fast but I wonder if there was another way to encourage it...Hopefully, you will find a better way to teach your children this principle. One way, is to find a common purpose to fast for. I don't think you can ever run out of those.

Most of you were not aware of this but I remember when we lived in Fontana and I would be pregnant or nursing and wish I could fast. At those times I would eat the minimum I could and I would not eat any treats so that I at least had an attitude of fasting.

Today, I can fast and I still struggle with it when it comes to Fast Sunday unless I have a concern I am fasting for. Part of this is changing my Saturday evenings. (I also need to not make salty Saturday dinners which I feel like I alsways do the night before Fast Sunday!)  

A proper fast means going without two meals. That means I should start it Saturday after dinner - with a prayer. But usually I will be eating popcorn or ice cream late that night. Then we come home from church and people start eating and well... The fast should continue until you sit down to dinner.

My counsel to you would be to study the principle of fasting, get a testimony of it and make a proper fast a regular part of your life. I know it will bring strength into your lives and the lives of those you fast for.
There is always someone or something to fast for. Begin and end with a sincere prayer. Pray throughout your fast. Study the scriptures. Ponder. You will be hungry. You may have a headache. Think about the Savior's suffering for you. You can do this  and you will draw closer to Him.

I am sorry if I failed to teach you this important principle. I hope if you haven't you will now learn to do it on your own and make it meaningful in your life.

I love you!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Various thoughts to ponder

Here are some notes from speakers I have heard at various conferences in the last year or so....

Sister Bednar - Do the simple things we are asked to do by the Spirit - don't wait for a harder or loftier answer.

Sister Lita Giddens (from our stake conference) - on standing in holy places - "Sometimes a holy place may be a place of uncertainty but we move forward in faith. The scriptures say "I come quickly" this doesn't just refer to the 2nd Coming. He will come to us quickly when we stand in holy places.

Brother Richard Hawks - God's word in the immunization for the ills of the world.

Elder Oaks - At Christmas, don't just celebrate His birthday, celebrate His mission, too.
                     Faith is the Lord is trust in the Lord.
                     If we trust in the Lord we must also trust in His timing.
                     We may not be able to change the challenge but we can change how we get through it.
                     What we hear from the Spirit is more important than what was said by the speaker.

Pres. Samuelson - Do the best we can and the the Lord make up the difference.
                             Find joy as you struggle.

Sister Virginia Pearce - Keep it small. Keep it simple. Give it time.

Sister Barbara Thompson - Where there is faith there are miracles.

“Tell the sisters to go forth and discharge their duties in humility and faithfulness and the Spirit of God will rest upon them, and they will be blest in their labors. Let them seek for wisdom instead of power and they will have all the power they have wisdom to exercise!!"  - Eliza R. Snow

Pres. Uchtdorf -  During seasons when growing conditions are not ideal, trees slow down their growth and devote their energy to the basic elements necessary for survival...Therefore, it is good advice to slow down a little, steady the course, and focus on the essentials when experiencing adverse conditions.

I am not sure who these notes are from...but still good things to ponder...

We should always be learning what errand we should be on...errands require labor and are hard and require diligence.
Where do you hear the voice of the Lord? Go there often...
Make your to-do list - then see if the Lord agrees and approves of it.
Always work to improve your family relationships.

Enough for now!

I love you!!!



Hello my children,

Yes, it is me again but I really want to get rid of some these notes...so I will keep posting.

I am pretty sure I didn't teach you enough when you were little about Holiness. If you were little now I would. It is something I have learned a lot more about the last 15 years or so.

In fact, I bought a book several years ago titled, "The Holiness of Everyday Life" by Joan MacDonald. You may borrow it, if you are ever interested. It is one of those books that is life enriching if not changing. If I could only keep 10 books - it would be one I would keep. I believe I bought it for several friends after I read it because I loved it so much.

Anyway, I learned much from it. I also just ran across some notes I wrote - I am not sure from where. But here they are...

* Holiness requires effort.

* Holiness is a choice.

* Holiness is not boring.

* The temple gives us courage to take the risks of holiness. (That is something to ponder, isn't it!)

The Lord tells us to be holy - yet we resist.

To sanctify means to make holy. I think about this each week when I hear the sacrament prayers. "To bless and sanctify this bread to those who partake of it".  To bless and make holy this bread to those who partake of it. Is it holy to me? When I think about this it makes taking the sacrament more meaningful to me.

Anyway, I hope we will all strive for more holiness in our lives.

Love ya!


What I wanted to teach you....

                                                                                                                                              July 28, 2013

Hello my children,

There were so many things I wanted to teach you when you were growing up. Some things I did teach you by word and deed. Some things I may have not taught well. Some things I may have totally missed. I apologize for those things.

I had lists of things to teach (I am the daughter of "The Girl of 100 Lists" - an 80's song by the Go-Go's that Aunt Dee used to refer to Grandma Wanlass...) Anyway, the LESSON here is to not be so busy making lists (although I believe lists are good) and keeping them neat in a notebook that you don't do what is on the list!

That being said...here are things I meant to teach you:

* To work - and to work hard - and happily - and that work is good.

* To live within your means. Good grief, if I didn't teach this by word I hope your father and I taught this by example!

* To avoid debt.

* To value learning. (If you missed this one I think it is your fault. I know we have taught this by word and deed. :) )

* Be prepared - for anything and everything. It brings peace.

Just a few things for now...

Love ya!


To my children

                                                                                                                            July 28, 2013
Hello my children,

I have created this new blog just for you. I feel a need and a desire to still teach you and share with you things I learn. I hope maybe this blog will fill the need I still feel to teach you and hopefully, meet some of your needs also. We will see if it works.

The address for the blog is notfinishedteaching. That is how I feel. The older I get, I realize things I didn't teach you. (I am so sorry!) I also learn new insights and ideas and want to share them. I figure this way you can read what you want and ignore what you want. (Please don't ignore!)

I love you each so much and think about you in everything I do. I am always writing down things to share with you. Maybe this will also get rid of some of my paper clutter. :)

Please know I love you and it has been my greatest honor and privilege to be your mother and to try to teach you the important things in life.

All my love,
